On behalf of the whole TroyMUN family, it is my utmost pleasure and privilege to welcome you to this year’s edition of TroyMUN. In our eight years of excellence, as always, the conference will take place in Çanakkale, the center of a destiny written and where legends are born and raised. This year’s Junior Conference will be held through the 25th and the 27th of November. We will have a cultural tour on the 28th and our Senior Conference will begin on the 29th of November and end on the 1st of December.
With the promise of giving you an MUN experience that you have never been acquainted with, we have been working to excel and better every aspect of our Academy through precise planning, solid training, and careful implementation. This year we will be housing 4 committees each for Junior and Senior Conferences. The delegates of UN Women Junior will focus on Domestic Abuse and Child Labour and senior delegates will be discussing The Struggle for Women’s Rights in Iran. Meanwhile, both Junior and Senior delegates of SOCHUM will deal with issues surrounding Freedom of Speech. In our Junior conference, the agenda item for UNEP is the Protection and Restoration of Ocean Habitats and Life. While for WHO, it is the Diseases Spread and Accessibility to Healthcare Facilities in War Zones. In our Senior conference, the delegates appointed to the European Council will have debates on the Effects of the Extreme Amount of Migration on Economic and Sociocultural Matters in the EU. Last but certainly not least our Senior committee members of JCC will face a simulation of the Pacific War and have the chance to rewrite it.
As the academic team we are honored to present you with this incredible selection of hard work and excited to hear you make fruitful debates on these crucial matters. I can assure you that both my team and the operations teams will give their all to help you throughout this process. Every member of these teams are experienced ex-MUN delegates and individuals dedicated to their work who are familiar with every step. So rest assured you will have the greatest time ever if you give it your all as well. That is why we encourage you to leverage this opportunity to the best and try to build up your skills in public speaking, problem-solving, and formal debating. But never forget to have fun and make new friends, our PR team works hard to keep you entertained during coffee breaks, lunch breaks, dance parties, social events, challenges, and much more. Give it your all in Just Dance as well! Then on this note let me thank every member and head of the academy and operation teams.
Once again on behalf of the TroyMUN Academy, I find immense pleasure in welcoming you to the Troy Model United Nations Conference. We hope to find ourselves a place in your long-lasting memories and that every second with us will be unforgettable. We believe that you are the future and witnessing you broaden your perspectives will honor us to the greatest. I hope to see you when the time comes to give a proper warm welcome.
Yours Sincerely
Yaren Keçili
Secretary-General of TroyMUN

Total Committess

Total Participants

Number Of Organized Events
Parion Hotel, Çanakkale
25-26-27 November Troymun Junior
28 November Cultural Tour
29-30 November - 1 December Troymun Senior